FABBRI hot air generators

FABBRI Hot Air Generators

The range of hot air generators from the Italian manufacturer Fabbri Termomeccanica offers a simple and durable solution for heating small workshops of 100m² to large production halls of up to 2000m².

The basic structure is always identical: a horizontal furnace made of thermal chromium steel with reinforcing ribs, an external cladding of painted or galvanised sheet metal and painted frame profiles. The internal cladding for the interspaces and insulation is made of bright sheet metal.

The combustion chamber is equipped with a removable grate.

A furnace can be heated with logs, pallets, pellets, peat or other wood fuels. 

  • hintergrundbild
  • F28_F55_Gesamt1
  • F55_Türoffen.JPG
  • F28 Offen
  • Brenntür offen.jpg
  • EInblick Brennraum.jpg
  • Brennraum1
  • Brenntür
  • Brenntür offen2
  • steuerpult
  • F240 Rückseite.jpg
  • F240 Front.JPG
  • CV Gebläse 3.jpg
  • CVgebläse.BMP
  • F85 Front2.jpg

Depending on the model, several centrifugal fans, mounted on elastic suspensions, operate with double suction for hot air transport.

In addition, from the F55 CV model onwards, the flue exhaust gas is conveyed by means of a flue exhaust suction

The easy handling of the wood-burning furnaces in combination with their effective consumption allow the Fabbri model series to be used in many different ways as hall heating or workshop heating.

The hot-air generators are equipped with a simple control panel which controls the desired temperature by thermostat. In case of overheating, the unit warns with an acoustic and optical signal. 

For more information and/or questions dont hesitate to contact us via telephone +49 8621 / 6 22 11 or via Mail: schweidler.maschinen@kabelmail.de !